Chris and Carrie

Monday, September 14, 2009

Coco's Favorite Things - Pt. 3

Okay, this might need a little explanation. Every week at my school I've been making a little reading, science, or math-related video that plays on the morning televised announcements. I make up some silly character and the kids love it and we all might learn something at the end of the day if we're not careful. 

This week I did "The Number Ninja," co-starring Coco. It came out okay, but you know what they say about working with kids & animals. Each 3 or 4 seconds of her screen time was preceded by about 10 to 15 minutes of Carrie and I chasing Coco around the dining room table as she played "gotta catch me!"

And as I finally finished editing this beast together after hours of toil lasting late into the night, my tactful wife watches it and says "I like how you can see your underwear every time you get up ... are you leaving that in?"


Friday, September 11, 2009

Coco's Favorite Things - Pt. 2

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Coco's Favorite Things - Pt. 1

Monday, September 7, 2009

Almost Famous

Happy Labor Day! I hope everyone is having a relaxing 3 day weekend like we are. After those first 2 weeks of school Chris and I really needed it. We also decided to have Coco spayed because we have heard this can be a pretty rough surgery and we wanted an extra day to take care of her. Here she is relaxing on her pain pills and enjoying being pampered. 


I also wanted to share a fun story that some of you know that happened the first week of school, and I just now am getting around to telling it. On July 5th, as some will recall, Chris and I had a party celebrating the 4th and some girlfriends from school, our neighbor, and Coco took this pic below.  


Me, Coco, Lydia, Heather, Stephanie

A few weeks later I get a call from Heather saying that she had just read about a contest where you can enter yourself and 3 of your friends to win a dinner with the famous Australian Chef, Curtis Stone, and if you won, you and your 3 friends would be featured on the Today Show. Heather of course had this picture of us from the party, so she thought she would enter us in the contest and send this picture in along with it. So we had to write a little essay saying why we deserved to have Curtis Stone come and cook us dinner.  Lydia, Heather and I all work at the same school, but Stephanie doesn't, but we still wrote something saying why we as teachers deserved it. We just pretended Stephanie was a teacher as well. And before we sent it in we made sure Chris doctored it up a bit, being the good writer that he is, and off it went....

Flash forward to the 2nd day of school, and Heather gets a call from a producer at the Today Show. The girl proceded to tell Heather that out of 2000 entries we were in the top 7! We couldn't believe our ears! She needed us to send in some more information that day and we did it as fast as we could. She then basically told us that we had a really good chance of winning this because she loved our story, she loved Coco, and basically to get ready for Curtis Stone to come to our house to cook for us! She even talked to us about coming to our school to film us in our classrooms and how we may have to take the day off so that we can go shopping with Curtis before he does the cooking. We even got it cleared with our principal. In addition, she told us that if we did win they would come to town the very next week!  That meant he was maybe coming to my house, to cook in my kitchen and all of us would be on the Today Show. Whoa! We were all in shock. We all wondered if this could really happen and of course started preparing. We all got together that night and pondered what we would do if we won. We wondered what we would wear, what would we say?  We also had heard that the camera adds 10 pounds so we talked about eating only salads until our big debut ha! You name it, we were gonna be ready! And we would hear their final decision the next day, but honestly it felt like we had already won....

So, I am sure you can guess what happened...we got the call, and we didn't win. The producer told Heather it was such a hard decision and it was between us and another group, but they decided to go with the other contestant..blah blah blah. We figured that this was their normal speech that they told to all of the contestants who didn't win and we were disappointed to say the least. We then found out that the person that did win was a teacher from Frisco. That same morning the teacher was featured on the Today Show. They called her in her classroom live and told her that she had won the dinner with Curtis Stone! Her story that had won her the spot was that she was a new teacher and she had just moved to Frisco, and she had never used her kitchen before in her new house...our story was so much better!

So, my friends and I are all still waiting to see when this story will air on the Today Show. I wanted to share our almost famous story so that if you do happen to watch the Today Show and you see this story air then you can just know how much better it would have been if it was us! ha!  Oh well, maybe next time! It was sure fun while it lasted.


Carrie, Chris, and Coco